Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ethan's got some explaining to do


pdwalker said...

I wouldn't be sorry.

That's just too funny.

jabrwok said...

I'm not sure unfamiliarity with Japanese sex-terms is indicative of an individual's socio-political leanings...

Aside from that (yes, I'm a nitpicker) it's a funny story:-).

Mrs. Dragon said...

I suspect that in this case the term 'conservative' is being used to describe a type of proper dress and coif rather than being indicative of her leanings. :-)

Also, that is awesome.

JeremyR said...

Most sexually liberal women would know what a bukkake is or a dirty Sanchez for that matter. They also would be able to identify half the neighborhood with only the picture of a penis as means of identification.