Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More elected CO Asshats

Dem rep, MS. Diana DeGette mocks senior citizen concerned over the new gun bans. Watch and weep for our brothers and sisters trapped in Colorado.

From MS. DeGette's online biography:
PERSONALA fourth-generation Coloradoan, U.S. Rep. DeGette graduated from Denver’s South High School, received her B.A. magna cum laude from Colorado College in 1979 and her J.D. from New York University School of Law in 1982. She served two terms in the Colorado House of Representatives serving as Assistant Minority Leader from 1993-1995.
U.S. Rep. DeGette is married to attorney Lino Lipinsky. They have two daughters and a dog named Charlie.

I am personally pissed she named her dog Charlie.
Contact info for the rude and dismissive MS. DeGette:


lineman said...

Did it help the Jews?

hiswiserangel said...

No it didn't, lineman, and the thing, aside from the trampling of 2nd amendment rights, that really pisses me off is the smug disdain she has for her constituents, and the treatment of an elderly person who deserves more respect than that.

lineman said...

"As we wept in the camps later" well you know the rest...I think this is a turning point...What we do now will decide where our fate lies in the future...Oh and for all you gov. spies out there sitting at your computers you will be there with us just at a later date...Oh but you will have a lot more to answer for once you get gassed also...Sad that the devil always has someone to do his bidding...

hiswiserangel said...

Even sadder that they do it for something so mundane as a paycheck and benefits.

Dave in Indiana said...

Is she one of those that immigrated from California?

crankyjohn said...

I hope someone breaks in that bitch's house and she is forced to rely on DPD's help.

lineman said...

I wonder if they ever stop and think how many lives are ruined by their actions...Do you think their conscience is so seared that they don't even care or are they so ignorant they just don't know...

hiswiserangel said...

cranky, I hope her daughters don't have shy bladders in case they're attacked by rapists.

Lineman, it's a belief in their personal infallibility to see the "greater good". Individuals are collateral damage when considering the "greater good".

lineman said...

Notice how she said minutes... A bad guy with no gun could kill a lot of folks in minutes...She is a joke..I guess she doesn't know the law either because the police are not required to protect you....

Dave in Indiana said...

On the day of the Newtown shooting several agencies were reporting a knife wielding man in China walked into a school and killed 25 kids. That obviously took more time than it would if he used a gun, probably even took a few minutes to chase all the kids down and slice and dice them. Why isn't she also trying to ban knives? And what about pointy sticks and rocks? They can be deadly too.

hiswiserangel said...

Because we all know it's not about the citizens' safety from bad guys, it's about a tyrannical .gov's safety from the citizens. But it's easier for the sheeple to swallow a lie than the truth.

lineman said...

I don't think that's the case because facts go to show it causes greater destruction than good throughout history...I think it has to do with power and control...They love being masters of their little fiefdoms and lording it over the peasants...Little do they realize they are just a puppet to somebody else....

Dave in Indiana said...

Yeah, meanwhile a kid in Maryland gets expelled from school for munching a pop tart into the shape of the letter "L" all because a professional teacher, principal and schoolboard hierarchy are so invested in political correctness that all they saw a gun instead of an opportunity for a teaching moment where the kid gnawed his poptart into an "L" or inverted and rotated about it's "Y" axis a "7". Poor kids these days, they're doomed.

Anonymous said...

Y'all don't seem to get it, The left BELIVES it. The way you belive in Jesus. They honestly and sincerely think that if they take all the weapons(not just guns)and destroy them, that the whole world will lock arms- sing Koom- BY-YA-- and live in peace forever. This IS the RELIGON of the left. That Pacifist action is the ONLY way to go. That if guns are gone then all crime will stop, all violence will end and we can all drop some acid and mellow on the vibe. Most of Y'all are to young to remember when the 60-70 year olds in the congress were hippies-- but nothing they say has changed in any way. The sad part is that they ARE willing to see millions die to reach the goal-- Because they truly belive in it. AND there is not one damn thing we can do or say to sway them. They WILL do this and nothing short of death will stop them---Ray

idahobob said...

The morons in her district elected her. If they are unhappy with her performance there is such a thing as the recall.

But then again, maybe she truly does reflect the wishes of her constituents.

God help us from stoopid people,


Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Colorado. With the exceptions of 6 years in good ol Oklahome and other worldly regions, Diana DeGette has always been a self serving See You Next Tuesday who's personal agendas and that of the lobbyists who swing from her tits are her objectives. She is NOT a public servant who has the best interests of her constituents in order. Rant over...

hiswiserangel said...

stevie, you're always welcome to rant here. and I only watched it once, and wanted to climb through the screen and smack the shit out of her.