Monday, April 1, 2013

Some of my favorite gunslingers are 50+

Poppy sent this to me, with the pic. I think he's mad enough to spit nails. They done gone and kicked the hornets' nest, boys and girls.

UN Arms Trade Treaty Calls for Disarmament of Persons 55 and Older

Favorite quote from the report:

“The optimal self-defense posture for seniors would include such items as a rape whistle or high-decibel air horn, quick-strike road flares, an electronic medical alert system, a cellular telephone with a large display, morphine injections, neon or glow-in-the-dark armbands, a mesh vest, a pith helmet with flashing headgear and a solar-powered radio,” said Dr. Betti.
So much lefty idiocy, so little time. My question is morphine injections? WTF?


Keads said...

Sigh... More drivel. I teach seniors to shoot! Hell, I'm almost one myself.

hiswiserangel said...

You and me both, Keads. Poppy can still kick my ass on the range at 77.

Anonymous said...

Morphine injector? Real simple. You inject it into your assailant, and when he zones out you do the Mexican had dance on his adam's apple.

hiswiserangel said...

I get that Rurik, but if the elderly are too feeble to handle a gun, what are their chances in hand to hand, injecting their attackers? I'd rather put holes in 'em at 15 paces than try to stab a needle in them while rasslin'.

Wraith said...

I advocate lead injectors.

BTW, who gives a damn what the UN has to say? We're a sovereign nation, and we will be until my dying breath, no matter what this illegitimate government has to say about it.

America is a state of mind, not a government. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Well----We seniors just go to a smaller gun. As in a Ruger LCP 380.
Of which we have more than one.
Also a S&W 22 mag is a kick ass protector.
When I was renewing my carry permit there was an 85 year old in getting one. The cops in house ALL came out and shook his hand.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Morphine injectors with a fatal dose. They're supposed to inject themselves to save their assailants a murder charge.

I fucking hate leftists.

Anonymous said...

Smaller gun? The redhead here went to a 4" M1911. That's her idea of a smaller gun. She has two 3" M1911's for when she gets older. ;-).
I find with my old age bone spur in my weak side sholder I can only run about 4 mags one handed weak side before it starts really hurting. Bummer. Oh yea, I can't let the wife get ahead of me so I have M1911's also.
Age? Let's just say Angel is younger than our oldest son. :(
And fuck the UN.

wirecutter said...

I already got all that other shit but they're just accessories to a 5.56.

Anonymous said...

BTW, didn't mean to knock the .380 or .22. It is my understanding the .22 is a favorite of "professionals". Saw a good article about that but can't find it right now.

Anonymous said...

My granny died last month at age 98. Back in her younger days(she was 77) the local prison mutt, stoped her at the forks of the road. He told her that he was the baddest ass on earth and "you better run when you see me you old bitch". At that point Granny turned, walked back to his truck, took out her .38S&W and shoved it up his right nostril. She then drug him out of the truck, dragged him to the side of the road by the hair, picked up a hickory branch and spent the next several min. beating the living shit out of him. See granny got raised up by a moonshine still, she used to say "honey when I was little it was Root-hog-or-die" She like my Grandfather came up in the great depression. In eastern Kentucky. They were hard 'cause they HAD to be. NEVER count them old people out till they die. Ray

hiswiserangel said...

Ray, bless your granny, she lived a full life and was the kind of woman I hope to be. Give me some old folks who've survived a lifetime of hardships over a bunch of whiny ass kids who've got a shelf full of participation trophies and false self-worth.

Robert Fowler said...

What we really need is to find people to elect that will stop all payments to the UN. Then they can move their happy ass to some country that loves all the dictators and despots.

idahobob said...

Fuck the UN.

Fuck Obama.

Fuck the US Congress.
