Last night, in the shower, I had a massive foot cramp where my toes tried to do a back flip with a full twist over the top of my foot. Next thing I know, I’m on the floor thinking, “This is it, this is how I die.” After fumbling to get the water off, I crawled out and collapsed on the bathmat in agony. A massage and getting back on my feet helped. Somewhat.
The bruise showed up almost immediately. By bedtime, my foot was swollen and my toes started discoloring.

I was really too tired to care until I got up to pee and ended up having to crawl. The pain was unexplainable. And I’ve given birth. Twice. By morning, the bottom of my foot was black and blue and I couldn’t feel my toes, so off to Urgent Care I rolled. Now these people have seen a lot of us lately since Jaylee Bean dislocated her good kneecap twice at the end of March. Maria in admitting greeted me by my first name. Didn’t even ask to see my insurance card or fill out information. “No, Leslie, sit. I’ll just pull it off Jay’s file. How is Miss Queen?” Three x-rays and an ortho consult later, and I’ve got partial breaks of the second and third phalanges and stress fractures of the second and third metatarsals. No walking for a few days and then I have to wear a walking boot for 6 weeks. Not the sexy sandals I was looking forward to this summer, but at least I get a mandatory vacation and some killer drugs.
Shhhhh, don’t tell Wirecutter, he doesn’t need to know.
I would say something snarky about breaking your foot just standing, but I've broken toes just walking. Totally sucks.
Oh, well. I won't tell WC...
Mick Jagger said it best. "What a drag it is getting old". I tore a hammy 12 days ago and the whole back side of my leg is black and blue.
This is going to take a while to heal.
Fortunately my grand daughter just became available to do yard work and stuff. Fresh out of prison, and headed to do things right. We shall see.
Treat yourself to a pedicure. You'll feel better.
Broken bones from a cramp? Something new I didn't need to know...
No idea if this has anything to do with your cramp but drinking water, lots of water during the day, especially if it's a warm day, stopped my night leg cramps.
My daughter had that happen. Not happy at all. Rest easy.
Wow,that sucks! Getting older seems to be a succession of body parts saying"Oh yeah, hold my beer and watch THIS!"
Gettin' old ain't for sissies !!
Heal up girl.
Be wary of a compartmental fracture, ya could lose part of the foot. Damn metatarsal fractures rate more then childbirth... not that I know personaly, just help birthing them babes.
Married almost 44 years we still hold hands wherever we go. Yeah, it's sweet. She's also the clumsiest girl ever. I'm her safety belt.
You got my address for any unwanted narcotics, yeah?
I'm surprised you didn't break that fucker by climbing in the Mom van.
Who the fuck told Wirecutter?!? :D
What the heck, Angel? At least you weren't swimming.
Steve in KY
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