Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Grace and the WiserAngel

Since we've already discussed my ballet career (short) and lack of grace in motion, let me fill you in on my morning. Woke up to a nice slick coating of ice on EVERYTHING. Got the girls up and breakfasted, while they were watching P&F, I was out spreading sand and salt so the cute chicks wouldn't slip and bust their cute little tushies.  Got them out to the van safely and into school without incident and decided to treat myself to Subway for breakfast.

Home with a 6-inch flatbread egg white with veggies and a light Lemonade, keys and drink in one hand and sandwich in the other, I set foot on the bottom step and... WHAM! Flat on my back. Not a drop spilled or a sandwich squished; but I'm laying there splayed out with my feet up on the 1st and 2nd steps (don't remember that) and freezing rain coating me. Contemplated just laying there until the cold took me, but I'm no quitter.

Rolled onto my hands and knees and crawled, breakfast still grasped in my hands, up the steps and into the house. I've got a hot pack on my neck and shoulder and a cold pack on the tushy. I'll post pics of the bruises as they develop. Fucking Texas Spring weather.


crankyjohn said...

Thank goodness the sammich was ok.

lineman said...

Especially the one on your tushy:-)

hiswiserangel said...

You guys....

Paladin said...

Glad you're Ok! Spring here needs to shit or get off the pot - though at least we didn't get the ice you guys got.

hiswiserangel said...

Thanks Paladin, the only serious damage is to my ego. In my younger days, I would have jumped up and done the Mary Lou Retton "Ta-da" ending.

lineman said...

I bet you still looked around to see if anyone saw you though....:-)

hiswiserangel said...

Butt of course! Fortunately, it's a working neighborhood and I'm the only stay-at-home mommy. But I'm sure if anybody at .gov was satellite spying, they got a good giggle.

lineman said...

Yea they would of wished you landed on your head though to knock all the sense out of you...They like their subjects to be dumb...

hiswiserangel said...

Naw, they aren't worried about little ole me. I'm harmless. :-D
~giggling maniacally~

lineman said...

Its a great comfort knowing there are others out there like us isn't it...

DHS Eye in the Sky said...

Are you ok?We culdn't "help" butt notice your little accident today.


hiswiserangel said...

Yes, lineman, it is. :-D

Heh, DHS, tell Big Sis I'm fine and her nefarious plan to do me and other fine Patriots in with a sudden April ice storm has failed. :-P

DHS Eye in the Sky said...

We can look the other way for double fudge bacon brownies. Lots of them. Run outside and pull your shirt up so we can photograph the bruises.

hiswiserangel said...

Sorry DHSDude, my bacon brownies and boobs are for Patriots only. You know, bucking up the troops and all. Y'all will have to settle for Mooch's Easter egg boobies or Napolitano's Iron Eggs.

Robert Fowler said...

The coldest place I ever lived was north Texas. I learned to hate freezing rain. Glad your ok. If I was a little closer, I would offer to kiss it and make it better.

hiswiserangel said...

Thanks Robert, I should be used to this by now. Tomorrow? High of 65. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're okay and breakfast made it inside unscathed. I hope the rest of the day is uneventful. Reminds me of when my mom was doing a horseback trip with my dad and her horse took off on her. When my dad finally caught up to her, she was fit to be tied because dad was laughing so hard. She'd held onto her Pepsi the whole time!!

-Concerned Mama

hiswiserangel said...

Thanks CM. I feel for your mom, but I know the importance of saving the caffeine at all costs.

Anonymous said...

You be careful out there. We lost the sushi lady at the local grocery to a fall a couple of years ago. Working around her pool, fell, hit her head and drowned.

And LOL at DHS dood.


hiswiserangel said...

Terry, A: no one has ever drowned in the Texas Panhandle. And B: don't encourage DHSDude, sheesh.

wirecutter said...

You can't even walk out the door without hurting yourself.....

hiswiserangel said...

Oh, I got out of the door just fine, fucked up getting back in...
and once again your compassion is underwhelming. Bite me. :-P

lineman said...

OK its been long enough for the bruises to start showing...:-)

hiswiserangel said...

I really hate to disappoint you, lineman, but I haven't bruised yet. At all.

lineman said...

Ahh that's probably for the best I don't know if I could handle seeing your tushy:-)

Chris said...

"Santa had just did as you did, and was laying there in pain. When the Christmas angle came around the corner and said 'Santa, where should I put the Christmas Tree?'"

And that Children, is how the Christmas Angle got to be on the top of the Christmas Tree.