Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If it wasn't OVER before...


crankyjohn said...

Hmmm, I have seen that look before. But I actually had to put my mosin nagant in hot water in the bath tub to clean all off all the cosmoline. So this is not completely without precedent.

Robert Fowler said...

If you use frog lube, (I'm a dealer), the dishwasher would be a option. Along with heating them in the oven when your done to add more lube. Great stuff, it was developed for the SEAL's.

hiswiserangel said...

God forgive me, I have such a dirty mind. I'm going through all the types of lube I know and then it hits me, oh yeah, the post was about guns. ;-)
You'll have to send me a link, Robert.

Anonymous said...

Actually that's not all bad. We used to sneak into the mess hall and run our rifles (after taking the plastic parts off) through the steam cleaner (250 degrees plus) in the pot shack after a week of qualifying on the range. They came out spotless and all we had to do was oil the shit out of it to prevent rusting.

Robert Fowler said...

Thhis is where I get mine.