Sunday, January 12, 2014

I don't know what this means...

I've told no one about this. About to confess to the world via a blog. One week before Christmas, I met Mom and Poppy in Big A for some last minute shopping. As is the custom, I park and get in their van and off we go. After I parked the momvan in the lot in front of Bed, Bath & Beyond, we take off for four hours of shopping and a long lunch. They bring me back to the momvan; and as I get in, I can't find my keys anywhere. No pockets, not in my purse. They're gonzo. So trying not to panic, I look down and there they are; still in the ignition. Five total hours in a parking lot in a largish city.

So, does it mean that the people in Amarillo are goodhearted and generous? Or does it mean that the momvan is so shitty nobody considered it worth stealing? The world may never know....


timbo said...

Too easy, so thieves probably assume it's a bait car.
Or you have some good luck happening, and you should go buy a single lotto ticket!
Never been to Amarillo - maybe they are honorable folks there?

hiswiserangel said...

Good salt of the earth folks, but then again I do drive a 19 year old momvan with 186K miles and a vcr player and cassette deck...

Jesse in DC said...

I'm betting on good folks. Want to test the theory, try that in DC...Bye bye Mom van. I tested it once in suburban Maryland, Bye bye chevy truck...

Angel eyes said...

It's obvious that it means that you need sex, okay?
Raw, rude, clawmarks sex. Stop beating around...nevermind.

Angel eyes said...

There ya go again, bragging about your new car.

JeremyR said...

It could be worse. My exfather-in-law had a habit of leaving his keys in the ignition. One day he was in town for lunch. Someone stole his truck.... Then brought it back. Four admissions at the local hospital that day, two with excessive dehydration from severe diarrhea. I'm guessing they were the ones.
FWIW, it was a 66 Binder.

hiswiserangel said...

Angel eyes, I think you're projecting a bit there, darlin'.

Keads said...

I LOVE driving a beater for everyday. I think you qualified in that ride.

hiswiserangel said...

Ah, Keads, Master of the Multiple Mustangs, that's my ONLY ride. :-) but the cute chicks love it and it's paid for, so I'm not complaining.