Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Let it Go" - Autism Version

Please give it a listen, from the mind and heart of a girl on the Spectrum. So much rings true for the Cute Chicks, especially the part about the meltdowns and stimming.


Mark P said...

I have no words - a little too emotional right now. One, actually, WOW!! I don't know nearly enough about Autism, or is Autism Spectrum more accurate?

Volfram said...

I'm glad there were subtitles on that, because I positively could not hear a word she was singing over the piano. I'd encourage her to do it again, but record vocals and piano on separate tracks and mix them together. You can get some REALLY good stuff going on that way.

Corey said...

Have you seen the video of the dog comforting the little boy with Autism