Monday, November 17, 2014

Arachnid-American of Color


Jason said...

Bullshit. That damn thing is black. And she ate her ol' man.
What a bitch. She'll get no sympathy or political correctness from this guy.

wirecutter said...

And she bit me on the foot. Fuck her.

Morris said...

Wirecutter, try getting bitten on the bum. Happened when I was a kid living in the country. Here in Australia we call them 'Redbacks' I'm not sure whether they're exactly the same but it looks very similar.

hiswiserangel said...

Y'all are a bunch of sissies.

A Texan said...

A guy I knew was bitten on the arm by one...and if his folks didn't get him to the hospital it would've killed him. Took him weeks to properly recover.

He doesn't like the bitches much, for some reason.

Bikermailman said...

Last month when reaching delivering mail, twice in three days these little effers were in people's boxes. Got bitten by one in a box several years ago. A few days earlier, a 12 year old living with grandma got bitten and died. They were poor, he didn't want to bother GM with the medical bills. I got my ass to the dr.

Skip said...

Got them fuckers in my covered wood pile. Fuckin' RAID!