Saturday, March 9, 2013

And now....

They'll get your kids suspended,
and slapped in court-mandated therapy,
and branded for life...


crankyjohn said...

I had cap guns and BB guns when I was a kid. Would probably get me sent to the gulag these days.

Angel eyes said...

I see one gyno instrument.
It was rural Ohio and we were kids!
Don't judge me

hiswiserangel said...

Curiosity is going to get me in trouble... which one, rpm?

And all I can think of is "ouch, splinters..."

Anonymous said...

When my youngest boys were around five I wouldn't let them have toy guns. With me being a soldier, and being raised on a ranch, I didn't want my kids to think of guns as toys. I figured I'd teach them the right way soon enough.

Sure didn't stop them from asking for them every birthday and Christmas, though! I held firm. Christmas morning...watching the two youngest playing with their new Lego set. Guess what the first thing they made was?

Yeah. I gave up. Sure didn't seem to ruin them much.

hiswiserangel said...

Kids are great like that. they really don't understand the meaning of the word "no".