Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Eviction Notice

I am absolutely PISSED at the pResident's decision to close OUR White House to tours; citing the Sequester as a reason just adds to the insult after they found $250 million to send to Egypt. To top off the shit sundae with an even shittier cherry, the media reports this with the words "President Obama closes tours of HIS house...." Oh HELL NO! It is the House of every American. The pResident is no better than a renter, more like a squatter. I can't even be eloquent in discussing this, I'm so mad. I'm about to slide into charliedelta rant mode, so I'll end with this:


Anonymous said...

250 million to send to the real war on women (that is the Muslim Brotherhood). 50 million for new TSA uniforms. 1.2 billion for 2917 armored personnel carriers for DHS. Countless trillions in bribes (EBTs) to the zombies (low information voters).

He has no excuse to end the tours. And I agree: it's not his house.

Grand said...

How much does it cost the U.S. every time he flies somewhere to sell his snake oil? Can we ground his ass?

"There are babies dying right and left because of the sequester. Blame the republicans," Barry says as he taps his golf ball past the hole.

crankyjohn said...

Why don't they suspend his pay, ground his fucking wife queen Mooche and take away her credit card that we all pay for. Will we ever be rid of the stench of this man?

Grand said...

Actually you can still get tours of the White House for a donation of $500,000.

Anonymous said...

Cranky, Louie Gohmert tried to amend the pending spending CR to stop funding his golf games and the house rinos wouldn't let him. See

Now everyone can be pissed at everyone (except Louie). Boner is a dickhead.


JeremyR said...

You don't evict trespassers, only tenants who don't fulfill thier end of the contract.
Until I see a legit birth certificate, he aint the president, or the rightful resident. Send his ass back to Indonesia.

Major Wolf said...

What makes this even more crazy is the tours are done by non paid volunteers. Another political trick by this illegal alien. He should be housed in a different BIG HOUSE one that also issues its own uniform, bright orange jumpsuit.