Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fun Gun Facts for the Shooting Enthusiast


Anonymous said...

Gotta love those neuromodulators. Good enough to get Vinnie de V. the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1953.


timbo said...

That's why you should always clean your weapon properly after discharge!

Grand said...

That explains the shooting I did at the range.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes I did know that because my wife has practically left a damp spot on the shooting bench when she breaks out her larger bolt actions;)

Anonymous said...

Yeh, but sex with Summer Glau WAY more fun. Ray

Angel eyes said...

So, by applying liberal logic one could conclude that orgasms kill?
Or something.

Anonymous said...

Face palm! ;)
Miss Violet

idahobob said...

No wonder that I've enjoyed shooting so much, since puberty.

It would be even more enjoyable with Summer Glau.


Steve S. said...

Excuse me - I'll be in my bunk.

Anonymous said...

Angel, I have 500 rounds of 5.56 if you want to go to the range with me :) Your choice of weapon, long barrel or short barrel

hiswiserangel said...

Absolutely amazing which of my posts gets the most attention. :-)

And Odysseus, does your wife know you're telling tales out of school? Of course, being a redhead, she knows everything. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right -- you are suprised a post about orgasm with a pic of a hot chick gets a lot of attention? You aren't over the food poisioning yet.

hiswiserangel said...

that was typed with tongue firmly in cheek, Terry. ;-)

James Butler said...

"So, by applying liberal logic one could conclude that orgasms kill?"

Well, it is obvious all or most liberals are French. Now I know why the french call orgasm, Le petite mort (the little death).
