Friday, March 8, 2013

Okay, Republic of Texas, now we're talking

If the US government has a financial meltdown and subsequently cuts off all financial support to the states, how would your state fair? There's a bill introduced in the Texas State House that would require TPTB to start crunching the numbers and looking at contingency plans, just in case. Smells like Liberty to me.


State Rep. James White has proposed a bill that will require the leaders of Texas to start crunching the numbers and figure out what Texas would look like if it had to be self sufficient... limited or no federal support.... OUR OWN COUNTRY.... oops, I am getting a little ahead of myself, haha. Hey, I didn't say secession but that certainly comes to mind when thinking about the federal government having a financial meltdown and cutting off most or all support to the States.


crankyjohn said...

Give Austin back to Mexico, fuckers.

hiswiserangel said...

How about we just give all the Californians back to California?

Unknown said...

I can see what's gonna happen already.

Texas is gonna take their star and go home, then we're gonna have to make Puerto Rico a state (the poor dumb bastards) because we can't afford new flags because SEQUESTER!!!

Then Guam is gonna get all pissy and threaten to capsize again if they don't get to play too.

You guys have fun. I'm moving to the uncharted areas of the Goode homolosine projection map.

Just a guess. :)

orbitup said...

I think the chances are slim but if anybody does it, we will.