Sunday, December 15, 2013

REJOICE! Obamas' Winter Solstice Holiday in Hawaii a GO!

Fear not, good Americans! Your poser-in-chief and his wife, MOOCH, and their entire entourage, WILL GET TO GO TO HAWAII AGAIN! No Obamacare debacle, no ongoing illegal wars, no disastrous home economy, no multiple domestic rapes of Liberty will prevent this boy-king and his beloved beard from spending our tax money on themselves in their SIXTH 2+ week vacay in his "home state". Leaving on December 20th, they will enjoy the tropical paradise, dragging all the support staff away from their families on Christmas, for 17 fun-filled days of taxpayer funded frivolity.

Oh joy! Oh rapture! Oh wonders that never cease! I was so worried that the dissonance might get to them and possibly persuade them to spend the Winter Solstice at Camp David, as many of his predecessors. But no! He and Mooch, having a good grasp on their sense of entitlement and passing that down to the Wee Ones, are pushing forward with their traditional Holiday Fuck You.

Now, who wants to lay bets that Mooch and Mini-Mooches find time to go skiing at some pricey upscale ski community after they get back? I mean, all that sun and surf is just not very Winter Solsticey. They need some snow to do it up right. Right?

Merry Christmas, y'all!


Xenolith said...

What? Sarcasm? Methinks someone done pissed off an Angel...

hiswiserangel said...

Here I thought I was being subtle.

Jesse in DC said...

Oh come ON folks, it is hard work destroying the greatest country in the world. Poor guy, think of all the hours he spends practicing lying with a straight face... Exhausting. And would YOU want to face the wrath of Mooch, even with the SS backing you up?? Man NEEDs an expensive taxpayer funded vacation...

ruralcounsel said...

Quick, change the locks on the White House!