Monday, March 24, 2014

~sigh~ what can you do?

As a friend once told me, (Army Corps of Engineers), build a bridge and get over that shit. I've got bigger fish to fry, and dealing with a delusional individual who thinks every member of the female gender is out to emasculate and enslave men isn't one of them. Thank God.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie! You are smart , pretty, crafty, skilled, and a much better person than most men deserve. The fact that you have the notice of a freak of nature is just part of overcoming the fucked up programing of a lifetime. I have read that Neo-Nazis blog; That man has his head so far up his own ass the only thing he can hear is his own shit.----Ray

Irish said...

wOw.... look at all I missed. sheesh.

I just wasted 15 minutes reading about a stupid meme that is both:

Funny! and True! and it could have been written by a man too.

Anyway... have a great week..

I'm still working on slaying dragons

Stay safe Angel, the interwebz are a cold dark place sometime ;)

Keads said...

Meh, The Interwebz is a technical term for a large group of people that get their panties in a wad at the slightest provocation.

Carry on!

Murph Dog said...

As John Wayne would say....."AMEN sister"

Dave In Indiana said...

MEH, if the man, (I use the term loosely), is so concerned about his low hanging fruit he should just buy a protective cup and wear it 24-7. Think of it like making his kid wear a helmet when it goes outside.

Wraith said...

who thinks every member of the female gender is out to emasculate and enslave men

C'mon, darling...the jig is up. You've been found out--just 'fess up and be done with it!

hiswiserangel said...

Okay, Wraith, that's completely illogical. Why would I want to emasculate AND enslave men? What would I do with a bunch of sissy slaves?

Robert Fowler said...

What would I do with a bunch of sissy slaves?

Take your slave army and your dragons and conquer Westros in the name of your family?