Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Ultimate He Said/She Said

Well, the cult of individual choices has stepped up to new heights of bizarro. Imagine if you will, a violent and dangerous male serial killer who preys on female prostitutes makes a sudden radical change. A sex change. Does that mean a whole new slate for the new "woman"? Douglass/Donna Perry thinks so. See? The old "Bad Doug" was the Spokane Serial Killer, not the new "Sweet Donna". "She" had absolutely NOTHING to do with that bad man's misdeeds, and therefore should NOT face trial and possible punishment for them. Because, you know, Donna isn't Doug. Donna is Donna, Doug is Doug, and DNA doesn't matter. At this point, here's his picture right next to her picture. I'll let you decide.

See? There's absolutely no resemblance, so Free Donna Perry! Sheesh. More on the story, here:

This goes hand in hand with the transgender "woman" suing  Crossfit because they won't let "her" compete in a fitness competition against naturally born women. You know, because they can't see how well the treatment took and how sweet and feminine she is.

Chloie Jonnson

CrossFit's general counsel, Dale Saran, hit it out of the park with one statement:
"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women," Saran wrote in a letter to McCoy that's linked to the discussion board. "That Chloie may have felt herself emotionally, and very conscientiously, to be a woman in her heart, and that she ultimately underwent the legal and other surgical procedures to carry that out, cannot change that reality."
Saran said CrossFit may create a separate division for transgender athletes if enough step forward to compete.
The bottom line is this. NATURE (for those who have a problem with God) assigns us our primary sex, male and female. And with that, the DNA that genetically separates us from members of the other sex. Thinking yourself to be other than what you are, and then going to extreme lengths of hormones and gender reassignment surgery does not alter the fact that you have the DNA of a man or woman. You can think all you want in your head that you're a giraffe, you can tattoo your skin and stretch your neck and walk around on all fours. But at the end of the day, you're not a giraffe. You're delusional. 


Volfram said...

In Don Perry's case, I would also like to point out that while most violent criminals are male...

That doesn't mean that women are never violent.

Quite the opposite, actually. If I wanted to destroy someone's life, I'd send women after him. They will come up with MUCH WORSE tormentations than anything I could ever imagine, and they'll be more relentless and ruthless about it.

Volfram said...

Also, apparently a sex change depends entirely on whether you're wearing glasses. So I guess I'm a woman now, but I'll turn into a man in about an hour.

Unknown said...

You can apply that logic to "gay marriage" too. An old Texas saying comes to mind,,,"The cat can have here kittens in the oven, but that don't make them biscuits."