Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'm titacularly honored

Yeah, I'm pretty proud of the girls. They've done some really amazing things. They've served as a safety net for most of my meals and snacks. When I was pregnant and they doubled, they served as a tray. After the cute chicks were born, they served as a 24/7 cafeteria. They've saved lives, brokered a Middle East peace deal, taken down despots and dictators, and just yesterday, they saved the stock markets from crashing. Well, maybe not those last few things, but the did manage to unhinge Kerodin, and that's pretty cool too.

I have to admit, I was a little butthurt this weekend when Bill Nye called me "the redheaded hoe" and nobody defended me. Not wirecutter, not any of y'all. But then I thought, maybe y'all don't think of yourselves as knights in rusty armor or you don't see me as a damsel in distress, a lady deserving of defense. Maybe it's both, maybe it's neither. I'm not any of y'all's damsel to defend. Wirecutter has his own lady in Miss Lisa, and she is his focus as it should be. Same for the rest of you. What I do know is I've take a lot harder hits, lower hits, from people I loved and respected, who meant more to me than Kerodin and Nye, and I survived. I've faced most of the attacks alone, no one backing me, no one defending me, and I survived. So this too shall pass. I've got my copper-topped head held high, I'm in my most gravity defying push-up bra, and I'm sailing onward. I've got my own back.


Cstory98 said...

Screw haters and traitors. You ROCK! Keep posting and I'll keep visiting. Hope you have a wonderful day today!

Anonymous said...

There are few things as satisfying as watching an arrogant prick getting smacked down by a girl.

I think your readers are confident in your ability to take care of yourself and that if you wanted help, all you would have to do is ask.

Thanks for providing some great entertainment with your blog.

Nice boobies, too.

B said...

didn't see the hit, or I might have replied.

But, really, I doubt you need help anyway.

Yer a lady, and it shows.

BTW, Nice Boobage!

(I sent you an email asking how you were last week....)


Brad said...

I didn't see it either. I hope he was banned. You are going to take a lot of hits being so open on the interwebs. Try and ignore them best you can.

Anonymous said...

You got a spanking new holster from Dragon Leatherworks, and a great 1911 to fit in it. You don't need my sorry butt defending you, you can handle your own problems, and handle em well.

God bless redheads with guns.

However... I will show up with the backhoe and the dead cow to help you hide the evidence.

Unclezip said...

Cool. Today's my birthday, and look what I got! Thanks!!

KM said...

Bill Nye the Science Guy called you a ho?
Who knew the little twerp read libertarian blogs! ;)

Anonymous said...

What post did he insult you in?

I missed that, and having been bed ridden all weekend i've been reading all the comments on the 4 blogs i frequent.


Phillip said...

I saw the part where he referred to the "Red headed ho", and assumed that he meant you because you're Wirecutter's friend.
I didn't comment on that post because it was already at over 90 comments when I read it, and I don't throw in that late in the game.
But I think I can tell you why nobody defended you from that comment... It just doesn't make sense to bother defending against someone saying something that insane. It would've been like trying to reason with someone claiming against all evidence that the Earth is flat. I doubt anyone even thought about defending you because there was just NO need to. Stupid people tend to stay stupid.

Wind River Ranger said...

Bill Nye and Sam K? Don't read them, but I would have defended you (assuming my rusty armor would have allowed me to do so).

Also, any guy who says more than a mouthful is a waste has never had more than a mouthful.

Love ya.

riverrider said...

BILL WHO? well if it happens again point me in his direction and i shall inform him of the southern way. and they ARE magnificent.

Wind River Ranger said...

“Was this the face that launched a thousand ships/And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?”

― Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

Gregg said...

I'm descended from a bunch of Celts, Germans, and Norse.
In all my years I haven't seen a red headed woman who I needed to defend. Just hand her an axe and get out of the way... QUICKLY!

Critter said...

I don't read that particular blog, but if I had I would have had a thing or two to say.

Those tatas Are certainly nice. :)

BWBandy said...

I can see your point in this post. I personally want to thank you for helping me with advice on my site and giving some promotion. I really appreciated the help and the exposure. I read your site (and Wirecutter's) on an almost daily basis. I would have mentioned something however I am Canadian and I really have no idea what any of this is all about. I have no idea who Kerodin is. I sort of get what the III thing is all about but I will not pretend to fully understand it. You are right though, even though you can look after yourself sometimes it is nice to get some support.

gun monkey said...

My dear, we all know you are a strong, independent woman capable of defending herself. Don't think for one second that there isn't a legion that has your back. Besides, people like K and BN live on drama. There is no need to feed the trolls.

Heroditus Huxley said...

You, darling, are a self-rescuing princess, not a wimpy damsel. And I don't read the other jackasses, or I'd've put my two cents in, backing you up.

(You forgot to mention another function, which mine have served, and I'm sure yours have, too: pillow for baby and small child naps.)

Dav343 said...

Thank you! Wirecutter your up! LOL

Steady Steve said...

If such comments are the measure of Mr K and friends, they aren't worth giving much thought to. I make your and wirecutters' blogs a daily read. Any one who read your post(s) about your kids should only have a deep respect for you.

Will Plan said...

Who is Bill Nye? Why does his opinion matter to such a strong willed and driven person?

BC said...

Bill writes garbage, haven't even seen anything he has written in years. Much nicer reading quality stuff here or at WC's, among others.

Sounds like he still can't generate any worthwhile content.

Anonymous said...

I saw it as more of a don't feed the douchey troll moment.

There are any number of us who have your back, but we also know that you have the firey personality to go with those lovely locks, and love seeing the smack down you deliver to the ignorant.


Anonymous said...

Well you and Kenny were warned about "Kerodin" (not his real name) by me (among others) years ago. But do watch out for Mr. Nye. If that DIEGNOSED paranoid scitzo is off his psych meds......well he has a criminal history of stalking and unprovoked violence, and you tend to be far to open and trusting.---Ray

drjim said...

I didn't think it was directed at you, Angel.

And besides, any witty comeback I could have made would have dropped me down to his level, and I prefer not to go there.

You know who your friends are, and you know if TSHTF we'd back you up....

pigpen51 said...


I have only known of you for a short time, but if I would have seen this bill Nye posting I would have joined the many others in telling this loser to take a flying F--- at a rolling donut.

Anyone who resorts to calling a lady names is not worthy of the effort it takes to civility, and definitely does not deserve respect of those who care about you.

Also, I am sorry you were disappointed at the response of your followers. I am sure everyone felt this jerk wasn't worthy of acknowledging.

Unknown said...

If it wasn"t for those puppy's, you could leap the tallest building!

Jim said...

You got a bigger set of balls than any of K's readers...figured you could handle it and dish something back out. And by the post/response the next day, it seemed mr bill might have been heavy on the sauce when he wrote that.

North Texan said...

I quit reading K a while ago. That dude is a taco short of a full Mexican dinner IMO. Never heard of the other fucker. I've got ya covered. Texas blood is thick friend.

Doyle said...

Who's Bill Nye? Never heard of him (assuming it's NOT the uber-liberal science guy), until WC mentioned him in a story about Kerodin.

DoubleTroubleTwo said...

I'm so sorry Chickie , I never seen any of it. You know I'm always here for ya. Hugs :-)

MAJack said...

Bill Nye is a toad. Love your site, lots of super humor.

B said...

Y'also gotta realize that even if we HAD read the post and HAD spoken up, that they'd have deleted the dissenting comment anyway.....

wirecutter said...

I saw it, it didn't really register and it got posted.
I am very sorry you were hurt, I really am.

James said...

I think most of your followers think of you as more of a red headed amazon , rather than needing any saving.

Rebecca said...

I am so sorry. I haven't written in a while. I totally missed the Bill Nye thing but then I don't really listen to the irreverent. I think Bill Nye as nothing more than an oxygen thief.

a ago Wirecutter suggested that we get to know each other a bit better. Perhaps he was right. Sometimes the mixing of dynamite with nuclear materials can set off an unstoppable chain reaction. Could be fun.

Mr. Miracle said...

Well, I saw it late, and true, I didn't technically defend you, but I did make a thinly veiled threat, so there's that. But don't think I, and others, don't have your back. I think we believe you can handle a snotty pre-teen like K by yourself.

Wraith said...

Angel, I love you. I'd fight for you, I'd kill for you, I'd overthrow third world countries in your name...

...but sorry, caring about anything Bill Nye posts is simply too much to ask.

By the way, they're spectacular.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see nye's post...that is why he is still breathing....as to the "ladies" (more mature and experienced than "girls")....ummm...ummm...-gulp-...better not comment...yea verily but they be lovely enough to be in the song of solomon!....

vaquero viejo

skybill said...

Sam "who??," Bill "What?"Don't know the "Bill Nye" so can't say I read his trash... as for Sam, he's dug his own grave deeper and deeper over the last few years!!! So, now he's at the bottom of the hole and the dirt is getting kicked over him. I remember when Mike started talking about the "III%" concept on his blog way back when and soon after offered some "III%" patches (III%, "Audentes Fortuna Juvat") {Fortune Favors the Bold} I bought a few.......Not long after, this Sam guy started ranting how he was the "First" to come up with the concept, started a real forest fire over the "III" thing and Mike being the Gentleman that he is just let him rant.........'Thing is.....I still have the original envelope the patches got sent to me in and the "Postmark 'PREDATES' anything sam says about being 'The First!!'" 'Nuff said.
"Angel!!" you are "Tops!!!!" Just remember, "Consider the source!!" "And" to quote the late W.C. Fields,"All these horrible things that some people say about me....are the penalty of 'Greatness!!!'"
Got Gunz....OUTLAW*!!!!,

(*) To paraphrase the "Cheshire Cat up in the Tree" from "Alice in Wonderland" "We're all OUTLAWS now,.....You Know??"

Anonymous said...

I guess I must of missed that. I personally take insults from people I dislike as compliments.
My wife wears "BITCH" as a source of pride. "I'm not A bitch, I'm THE BITCH - and it's Mrs. Bitch to you!"

Whitehall, NY

john said...

My aren't we the popular one?
Looks like a lot of folks have both confidence in your abilities and back (if needed, but probably not so sit back and enjoy the ass kicking and name taking)

Volfram said...

What did I miss?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for calling you baby girl in a past post.I also dont think your a redheaded hoe.
Paul C

Anonymous said...

ok am I the only one thinking MOTORBOAT?