Monday, June 17, 2013

The Poison Fruit of Liberalism

The only thing that burns me in this article is the equation of Conservatism to Libertarianism. They are NOT the same. Conservatives, in their way, are just as bad about wanting to remove personal freedoms and control the individual. Both Libs and Cons want to control your actions, choices and the way you think. Your morals from one extreme to the other, both sides want to make those decisions for you. A true Libertarian is about personal choice. Jeffersonian Freedom. I don't care what choices you make as long as you don't try to make me pay for the outcome. Your choice, your responsibility. Other than that, a good read.

"Things are pretty frustrating for conservatives right now. You could get really discouraged. But when the clouds are threatening and the world is dark it is well to remember how battles are won. They are won by the side that gives up last.

That's why Jonah Goldberg's recent column "Freedom: The Unfolding Revolution" is such a ray of sunshine. Liberals think that their government programs are the "wave of the future," writes Jonah, but they are dead wrong. Their politics, whether class politics for the working class or today's identity politics of race and gender, is nothing more than "gussied-up tribalisms, anachronisms made gaudy with the trappings of modernity, like a gibbon in a spacesuit." Adds Jonah:

The only truly new political idea in the last couple thousand years is this libertarian idea, broadly understood. The revolution wrought by John Locke, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, and the Founding Fathers is the only real revolution going. And it's still unfolding.

How did this libertarian idea get started, two thousand years ago in the Axial Age? It was based on the notion of individualism, the responsible self, people thinking and acting for themselves and forming new associations rather than going along to get along with the tribe."

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1 comment:

Wraith said...

Ah, but since the Communists have shanghaied the word "liberal," us libertarians are stealing the word "conservative." That's why I refer to myself as a 'conservative' though I'm a die-hard libertarian from like two seconds from birth.

If what the enemy's doing is working, learn from it. ;)