Monday, September 23, 2013

I'm ready to battle

We got the third denial of the Teen Queen's application for SSI today. Actually, our lawyer got it and he called me with the happy news. We go to court in October; I'm a little leary of lawyers, necessary evil and all that, but this guy was GIDDY. As he told me that, after he won the case, the government would pay TQ's claim back to her birthday (5 months), medical and pharmaceutical expenses we paid out of pocket, his lawyer fees and court costs. He was giggling by the end of the phone call. Scary and awesome all at the same time. I'm just happy to have someone standing with me to fight this battle, it gets tiring fighting alone.


Anonymous said...

Better call Saul.

catfish said...

Just remember the lawyers are only allowed to charge you x% by law. AND Social Security will send them their cut. You don't have to pay them. At least that's the way it used to be.

Volfram said...

Watch your back, he's a lawyer after all.

That said, if he's this giddy, it should be quite a ride.


Ken aka fht451 said...

A giggling lawyer, sounds scary, but it sounds like you have them by the short hairs. Good luck, I am sure it will all work out.

Anonymous said...

I've always said that if you must have a lawyer make sure to get one that hasn't had their rabies shots.

Volfram said...

Ken: Batman teaches us thus: Find the thing that terrifies you most, point it in the direction of your enemies.

Bearded Youth said...

I'll be praying that all works out well in the end for you and yours.

Xenolith said...

EXACT same situation here.Court in October also.
That's the way it works. You do all the work, then find out you NEED a lawyer, or you'll lose, and the lawyer goes to court with you and takes away 25% of everything YOU should get.
Easy money.
Why do you think there are so many lawyer commercials that start with "Have you been injured, and denied your benefits?"...

Bush Craft said...

How do you justify your anti-socialist stance after this?