Friday, July 26, 2013

Flashback 1974


1974, I was 8 and ruled the playground. I held the record for longest swing leap and I could spin the merry-go-round the fastest. We actually had a jungle gym just like this on the playground. I'd walk the length of the spine from the head to the tail before sliding down the pole. Never ever wear a dress without shorts on the playground. That's rule #1. Kelly G would always stand under the jungle gyms to look at girls' panties. I hear he's a gynecologist these days.

This concludes your Angel Flashback 1974.


Dapandico said...

That or he sells granny panties

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for making me feel old, like I need any help. In 1974 I finished my hitch in the service, was married and had a 3 yr old. Guess I'll go lie down for awhile.

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember steel jungle jims at school as well. Ours had a single horizontal bar with the 'ladder' that you walked yourself across to the end. The adventurous kids would sit on the top edge to ladder then lunge for the single bar across, about 5' away.

Sometime you lost your grip and fell down - looked liked a Roadrunner / Wiley Coyote cartoon, dust flying out the sides of your body. We all laughed when that happened, including the person who fell after they recovered. Only saw tears once and he broke his arm. Teacher on duty just walked him away - we continued to play.

Those were good days.

Anonymous said...

Loved the play ground! always had bumps, bruises and broken bones but it was great!!!! :)

RabidAlien said...

Merry-go-rounds (great fun to fly off of!), teeter-totters (beware the dick who hopped off while you were all the way up in the air), massively huge swingsets (LOTS of air!), playgrounds were FUN back in the day!

Angel eyes said...

Back when you could get a tooth knocked out on the playground. I miss those days.

hiswiserangel said...

Yep, broke my arm jumping from the swings, and chipped my front tooth swinging by my knees on the monkey bars. Didn't cry and my folks didn't sue anybody.

Angel eyes said...

Imagine that.
Ok, I have one. We were all goofing around in a creek in Ohio when my friend threw a rock from the overpass. Bulls eye. Split my head open. He paid the ER bill.
End of story. Different times.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah gravel and metal. The old swings were the best. And dodgeball. The whole POINT was to throw the ball really hard at the jerk that was always picking his nose and calling you names, and hear that satisfying thwack. My kids play a game at school called snowball - same concept but they use one of those soft foam balls. Pansyasses. Now my oldest is going to junior high (yikes!), and in the welcome packet they outlined the units in their phys-ed curriculum. It had the usual suspects like volleyball and kickball, but also included P90X. Which I think is really sadistic to show to awkward junior high schoolers. Hell, I'm old and pretty comfortable in my skin these days, but those workout programs still mess with my head.

Sorry for rambling and venting and completely going off topic.


hiswiserangel said...

P90X?! Good God in Heaven, that's child abuse. And I always threw the dodgeballs at the prissy little girls with perfect hair who musn't get their dresses dirty. Come to think of it, they'll be my first targets in the Zombie Apocalypse.

OldAFSarge said...


Good times...