Thursday, July 25, 2013

Your abusive LEO blood pressure check

I can't tell you how angry this makes me, how bad it would be if this happened here. The Teen Queen will freak out and attack. This is her nature. This is why I have signs posted on the doors and windows informing there are autistic residents. This is why I lecture local first responders on how to communicate with and handle people on the Autism spectrum in emergencies.  Just wait until you hear the lead dude's justification.


Angel eyes said...

Goldsberry wasn’t arrested or shot despite pointing a gun at a cop, so Wiggins said, “She sure SHOULD be going to the press".

Fixed it for ya.

RabidAlien said...

Wow. That story is like a lawyer's wet-dream scenario. Sarasota may end up paying out a LOT of money for that action.

Volfram said...

“We were clearly the police, she can’t say she didn’t know.”

Police are judged by action, not uniform. Any talented craftsman can whip up a fake uniform and riot shield. You can get a halfway decent uniform for under $20 around Halloween or a little more year-round at a costume shop. Anybody can swear at a homeowner and say "We're the police." But only a thug would break down someone's door and threaten a woman half his size, and real police would show ID when asked by a man who was not behaving in a threatening manner.

Full agreement with RabidAlien. I hope every officer in that raid gets jail time.