Monday, July 8, 2013

I could get into that


RabidAlien said...

ROTFLMBO!!! Question is...shovel for blunt-force trauma, pickaxe for deep penetration (hehehehe), or sledgehammer for kinetic force?

Aw, screw it. I'll bring all three. Plus a baseball bat, tire iron, crowbar, and whatever that thingamajigger they use in cricket is. THAT should confuse the heck outta the zombies!

Who's bringing the beer?

Anonymous said...

Beer? Did somebody say BEER!

I'm in.


hiswiserangel said...

Great, I'm going into Zombie battle with a bunch of drunk Pretty Boys.

This is when WarriorAngel puts on her bitch boots, straps her guns to her thighs, and slings her bow and quiver over her shoulder. Y'all just hang back with the cooler.

Anonymous said...

Pretty boys? Flattered.

Don't worry Angel. We got your back (sides).

Whenever I see something really good about to happen I get the cooler and lawn chairs and watch. Drives the neighbors nuts.


Dapandico said...

Wachting Cops live. What you gonna do.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, sounds good. Count me in. :D I'll even bring my heavy softball bat for batting practice.


hiswiserangel said...

CM, looks like it's you and me, girl. The boys are going to hang back and tailgate.

Anonymous said...

Hells yes! At least by the time we are finished with them all we'll have worked out a LOT of frustration. Which we will regain once we have to clean up our mess so the kidlets won't be playing in infected brain matter.

But once that chore is done... ;)


Volfram said...

This had me thinking yesterday, do any of the Liberals out there REALLY think they'll be the survivors in case of zombies?

You know who the Libs are in Zombie stories? THEY'RE THE ZOMBIES! And the Marauders. They're NEVER the heroes!

You know who the heroes are?

Self-reliant, survivalist gun nuts.

In case of zombies, a graveyard sounds like a really good place to go to test out weapon effectiveness.