Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Armed mommies unite!

I posted this to my Facebook page recently and had an interesting question posed by a friend who's also the wife of a Patriot. She asked for advice on carrying while breastfeeding. See? You dudes don't have these interesting carrying issues. Some of the issues with carrying and breastfeeding are comfort, accessibility and, um, "leakage".

First is comfort. I've mostly carried IPH at the small of my back. I have a big bum and a bit of a sway back, so there's plenty of room back there. Only recently have I started wearing a Flash Bang or corset holster, neither of which would be very comfortable for either mom or baby while breastfeeding. "Here sweetie, snuggle mommy's .45 while you suckle." Just no.

Second, accessibility. You want to be able to get to your weapon while you're holding your baby. Of course, in a worst case scenario, you're going to dislodge Junior from your nipple and set him somewhere safe. But if you carry at a 3 position (9 if you're a lefty), you have access to your weapon. Not so much the way I carry at the back. Then you have the issue of, "I'm right-handed, I'm currently nursing on my right tit, baby's head cradled in my right elbow...." So maybe an ankle or thigh holster? I actually know a woman who carried a special concealed carry diaper bag. As a rule, I NEVER carry off body, but some women are more comfortable that way. I just think it's really risky.

Third issue is "leakage". Every woman who has ever nursed a baby (and most of you enlightened dudes) understand fully the issue of nipple leakage. I was literally Old Faithful for the first 6 months, whenever I heard a baby cry, it was a spectacle of twin geysers. I have soaked through multiple layers of nursing pads, bra, tank top, blouse, sweater, coat, coat of armor... Just saying, it's an issue when you carry concealed around your breasts, you may need to keep your weapon in a ziplock bag.

So, what say you? Anybody got any ideas? Discuss.


Critter said...

As to leakage I think the Glock or other plastic combat hardware was made for this scenario.

Keads said...

You are on the book of face? Why was I not aware of this?

hiswiserangel said...

You never asked, Keads.

hiswiserangel said...
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Keads said...


Heroditus Huxley said...

My biggest problem carrying while breast feeding was keeping the nursing pillow (which went around my side, since I most often used the football hold--which works best with big boobs and small babies) from shoving the gun around in such a way that the barrel rotated 90 degrees to poke me in the back of the hip I carried it behind.

Once they were big enough for the cradle hold, no more problems.

Wanlessvictim said...

A 'Fanny Pack" may be your best choice. You can rotate it all the way around your waist if necessary, and even hang it around your neck when you have to drop trousers/shorts. No problem from leakage and is always with you plus firearm is always concealed. The one with Velcro closure can quickly be opened one handed. You can even carry extra small items.

Mr. Miracle said...

Hey, ther's an idea! A nursing pillow with a hidden holster, like a purse. Should help out the carry aspect. Just a slot on the strong hand side that can be accessed with the baby safely cradled. Or maybe one of those front side baby carriers with a side pocket/holster. Someone should run with this, I am too poor a seamstress to make one up.

hiswiserangel said...

That sounds like a job for Concerned Mama. She's the only seamstress/armed mommy I know.