Thursday, July 31, 2014

Situational awareness

Way back in 1988, when I was but a wee lass in college, I participated in a Sociology 202 group discussion about racism. Apparently, my practice of refusing to get into an elevator with men (actually of any race, but particularly African-American), or to walk into a hallway, parking garage, etc. is both RACIST and SEXIST. I was shouted down, shamed, blamed, told I was what was wrong with America; and that attitudes like mine perpetuated racist and sexist stereotypes. And furthermore, I was too unattractive for any man to want to jump and rape me (this generally comes from fellow females). You want to know why I have this attitude? Why I pass judgment on any strange man? Because you never know. Nine out of ten may be perfectly nice and harmless, but the tenth one will kill you. And I value my life too much to play Russian Roulette. This girl tried to get out too late and lost.


Anonymous said...

Damn. Too bad someone didn't have a gun and could have capped their asses.


The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

It's too bad I went to school so long ago - we never had sociology classes like that.

Even the left wing law school was not much of a challenge for my libertarian ways....

Some people have ALL the fun....

Angel eyes said...

I guess they needed her money and her teeth more than she did. (libtard version)

My Kershaw would have been ready at the sound of footsteps.

John Smith said...

Apparently the people you were in that class with were either blind or very stupid. You are beautiful.


B said...

video is gone

Youtube account is terminated.

Anonymous said...

Being a victim...Is not a plan.
Liberals are born to be victims; they want to be raped & robbed as a guilt thing. They resent anyone fighting back because that makes them the only source of whatever the bad guy wants.
Liberal Logic - if the wolf feeds on someone else he will take smaller bites out of me.