Thursday, July 31, 2014

There, fixed it for ya, Bloomie

I'm sure y'all have seen this PSA from Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun campaign by Everytown for Gun Safety, and I'm sure you can see the glaring mistake that was made:

And then there is this correction, made by an astute Youtuber. There, now. Much better.

Do you have a Restraining Order? Yeah, but I also have a 1911 .45 ACP and hollow points.

Or if you prefer pump-action shotguns....


DoninSacto said...

Hell yeah. Warning shots into his chest and a keeper between the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a bit off subject. The videos make me think of this news story I heard last year. The woman did just this kind of thing and escaped with her twins.

This is the interesting part. After 5 out of 6 shots from her .38 revolver struck him at close range in the face and neck, he still managed to leave the house and drove until he passed out. For those politicians who argue "why do we need large capacity magazines?", this story should be their answer. What if there were several attackers? Looks like she would have NEEDED that many.

Anonymous said...

And a BS copyright claim by the gun controllers so you can't see the fair use rebuttal video.

Really low class, Everytown scum. You are such losers.

Volfram said...

And knowing the political opinions behind Google, any appeals to that copyright claim are going to get ignored.

Oh right, any user feedback sent to Google gets ignored anyway.