Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rebel without a clue

What is it Einstein said about insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results? Yeah, that's been me for the greater part of my life. Always agreeable, always eager to please, thinking I have to constantly EARN peoples' love and acceptance, always suppressing my deepest needs and wants afraid to rock the boat. I'm sick and tired of it and tired of always wondering why things never change. They never change because I never change. And that's about to change.

The following article starts with the sentence, "Live like there’s a fire lit under your ass that only action can fuel, feed, allow to grow into a blaze that will engulf the world where your name will roll off the tongue like so few legends that have come before you."

And it gets better from there. Read it, all of it. Think about it, and ask yourself, "What would I change?" I don't think I can tackle all 25 immediately, but I can damn sure pick out 3-4 to start, get comfortable, pick out another 3-4. Notice the first thing to change, get out of your comfort zone. This is something to consistently address. When you start snuggling down in your comfort zone, you find yourself in a rut and right back to the same insanity. I'm starting with #1, #2, #4 and #5. I embraced #3 when I almost died in childbirth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add; Accept the person you ARE, and forget the person you fantasize about being. Master Sun Tzu said: Know your enemy and know yourself and in every battle you will be victorious. Knowing who you really are and loving yourself anyway is the true path of the warrior----Ray