Friday, May 2, 2014

What the hell are vegetarian baked beans?!


Critter said...

Yeah, come on over. You can have bread.

JeremyR said...

Hey! I love vegetarians! Especially fat ones.... Like Angus, Herefords......Its fun to see their heads explode when they learn their supplements are made from animal products.

Anonymous said...

I was grilling for a group last summer and some vegans asked if there was a non-meat side of the grill. I said, "Nope. All of this grill has had meat cooked on it, both today and for many years." They did manage to find some aluminum foil in which to wrap their stuff so I grilled it for them. And isn't it interesting that they have to try to make tofu look like hamburger or chicken? You know they must crave meat.

Although, when my militia group has our Militia Field Day in the summer, we do provide a separate cooking area on the grill for veggie burgers and dogs, although most of us eat lots of meat!

I always say to the vegetarians, "If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?" I also like to say "If God didn't want humans to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?"


Volfram said...

Vegetarian beans seasoned with marijuana.