Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Longest running discrimination

Forget racism, sexism, ageism. Let's talk about gingerism. Since Ancient Greece, redheads have been picked on by the colorless masses. I think it's time to rise up and strike back. Gingers unite!


Steve said...

I didn't think they waited until they were dead.
(Just for the record, before it all turned grey (2 girls, age, and all that comes with that will do that), my hair was a dark red).

Angel eyes said...

No, no. Do not unite! One on one is hard enough on us mere mortals!

drjim said...

Well, *I* happen to think that redheads are a gift from God to us mere mortals.....

Bikermailman said...

Well, don't vampires steal your soul? Maybe that thing came from way back when, and like many myths, has a basis in reality?

Anonymous said...

I have known 2 redheaded females in my life and they were both good people and crazy in the rack. Exactly the way it should be.

Scott Norris said...

All myths are based in truth

Volfram said...

Anybody ever pause to wonder what would have happened if the "Gingervitis" Southpark episode had been about blacks or jews?

Merry Christmas from the one non-white* ethnicity that's socially acceptable to make fun of.

*When segregation was in full effect, gingers were considered "not real whites," and had to use the Colored bathrooms and water fountains. For some reason, we aren't known for starting riots.