Monday, November 11, 2013

And then we hit Gander Mountain..

I swear, I'm going to freelance proofreading internet memes. People come up with great ideas and then fuck them up with typos and grammatical errors. Sheesh.


Angel eyes said...

There's a poacher trend lately. They kill bucks, saw the trophy heads off and sell them, and then leave the rest to rot. I checked it out after I saw a headless carcass at the curb on the American River bridge last week.

hiswiserangel said...

That is just so wrong, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Angel eyes said...

Profit motive and no ethics. What's that say for the assholes that would buy a poached trophy head? If I ever met a guy who had bought one I'd bust his head and then turn him in.

Angel eyes said...

"who would buy"

hiswiserangel said...

You're having trouble with the "putting the words together and making them say things" thing, too?

Angel eyes said...

Me not have way tonight!
Y'know..."Sometimes George get lucky, sometimes George fall out of tree."

hiswiserangel said...

Sometimes George fall out of tree onto Jane. Sometimes George gets lucky.

Angel eyes said...

Mmm, George blushing, but intrigued.

hiswiserangel said...

George is adorable, Jane needs to get to bed. 6 am sucks.

K said...

I can always find a good grin when I need one, here.



Chris Mallory said...

They are deer, you have to expect typos and grammatical errors.

hiswiserangel said...

Yeah I guess it's hard to type with hooves.

Robert Fowler said...

I think if I saw someone poaching for just the head, I'd shoot them. If they are doing it because they need the meat is a different matter.

Angel eyes said...

You sleep in until 6? That's a luxury in my book.
I'm kidding, you work too hard.

hiswiserangel said...

Actually, I was up until 5 am. The cute chicks suffer from weather migraines (barometric pressure sucks), and our cold front blew in and created misery and mayhem. I got them settled, emailed the school they wouldn't be there and then went back to bed.