Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving, Day 2

I don't know how many of you do this, but we did one side of the family yesterday, and today we head to the other side. Two Thanksgiving dinners in two days. I am heartily sick of turkey and dressing. If I have to eat another damn cranberry, I'll puke. I want a freaking Meat Lover's Pizza and a couple of beers. Really? Is that too much to ask?


Wraith said...

"I want a freaking Meat Lover's Pizza and a couple of beers."

A woman after my own heart.

Robert Fowler said...

Should have been here, we had ham.

Dave in Indiana said...

My other half would have us eating left over turkey every day after T-giving until it is gone. To prevent that from happening I get up early the following morning and strip the remaining meat from the carcass and dice it along with celery, carrots and onion. Then cook the vegetables and make a large batch of gravy and mix all and put in freezer tubs to be used later for turkey & dumplings later.

I make sure to get this done gets up and has the chance to make me stop

Anonymous said...

Ooh! If I get the pizzas, can I come party? Meat lovers pizza sounds divine right now!! I don't even want to look at any of the leftovers right now, no matter how tasty they are.

Btw, Hubby absolutely loved your recipe for dressing. Kept raving while eating. I think he'd kids you if you were around. ;) My brother almost died over it too. 'Bacon! On dressing? Lots of bacon, mmmmm.' Even the man child scarfed it down. Thanks for the bigtime winner.


Anonymous said...

I have to say, if I am eating poultry, Turkey is my choice...and pumpkin pie, home made, by my daughter, from pumpkins picked from my garden...turkey is from my flock...but, gotta say a meat lovers and beer would be good! Happy Thanksgiving !



JeremyR said...

Meat lovers? well..... Howsa bout a supreme? All the meat plus a hellthy dose of onion, pepper, black olives, and other garbage?

Wind River Ranger said...

In her previous marriage, my wife was shackled by her folks and in-laws to both Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions. After we were married, we moved 1,500 miles away, partly to escape such foolishness.

As her kids left home (4 down 1 to go0, while making our house open to them, I encouraged them to start their own traditions.

So far it is working.