You ever have one of those weeks where you look longingly at your go bag and think, "I could just ghost out of here...."?
Two weeks ago, the pump on the washer went out and peed all over the laundry room floor. Cost of repair? $400. It's a stupid Whirlpool Cabrio that hubby just had to have because it was "top of the line" and had all the bells and whistles. Do you know how many of those bells and whistles I've used in 8 years? Zero. I use the cold/cold, high spin, color setting. Period. So after the fix, one load and the control board goes out rendering it a big white water pot. Thank God for the wet/dry vac, but there's still water in it and I can't figure out how to get it out.
My Maytag Centennial, bare butt basic washer and dryer are on sale at Home Depot for $800 for the pair; that's $300 less than the POS washer cost. HD won't deliver until next week; we could go get it, but an artic front (the meteorologist's term) is coming in around dinner tonight, and tomorrow's high of 26 with wintry mix doesn't sound conducive to hauling a washer and dryer 40 miles. Plus I don't want to hear hubby bitch because it's all my fault, poor planning, yada yada yada.
Anywhere else, not a big deal, right? Just take the clothes to the laundromat until the machines are delivered next week. Except Bumfuck Nowhere, TX doesn't have one of those new fangled laudromat thingies. It's the 40-mile drive to the Big A for that kind of tomfoolery. Which leaves me with a week of dirty laundry in the bathroom floor, a worthless washer hoarding 2 gallons of dirty wash water that smells like feet in the laundry room, a bitchy hubby headed for home, an artic front set to intercept him, my dream laundry set 40 miles and 5 days away, and I'm out of rum.
I'm on my way to the Big A wearing my classiest push-up bra and tightest jeans to see what kind of deal I can make. Momma needs a new washing machine.
The Panhandle weather folk graduated from the Obama School of Lying Meteorology. The 5 pm Cold Front arrived at 10:05, on my way to Amarillo. I did see my babies at Home Depot, so lovely and simple, built in the US from US materials. However, unless we haul them home sometime this weekend in the freezing ice and snow, we won't get them until Tuesday. Apparently 36Ds pushed up into my nostrils are only so magical. I did get an additional $50 off each, but still no dice on emergency delivery.
Don't forget rum!I feel your pain remember you must endeavor to persevere.
Naw, just stop and get a big bottle of rum, go home and find four big rocks, fill the tub with water, call the TQs in and tell them you are going to teach them a history lesson. They can clean the cloths like the Indians did just before the first Thanksgiving!
Sit back, sip, and enjoy watching history play out!
You just stated the facts for a good business opportunity for you. Laundrymat/bar/liquor store
and you can sell garden seed also, and body armor
Go get em'
Actually, you're right and I'm looking into business loans. I was thinking a laundromat/firing range.
Eight years is about what you can expect out of a major appliance these days. Everything is built to a cost.
26F is not bad, it was 18F here last night and will hit 10F on Sunday night. On the bright side, unlimited freezer capacity with no electricity cost for the next four months!
My condolences ma'am, the machines we count on the most seem to know the worst instant to die on us, or it sure seems that way. Our A/C condensate drain will plug up JUST before we are going to bed (oh no you don't!). And how do vehicles know you have to be somewhere in the next five minutes when you discover your tire is flat.
Yup, pass that bottle around . . .
I can't believe there were no comments about the hooters in the push-up. Maybe I give a shit less about laundry...if it's too dirty, it'll go in the trash...but nice boobies are always a good thing. I'd've probably given you a bigger discount, and offered to drive them to your house in my truck...
Consumer Reports didn't give out a single "recommended" rating on washing machines a year or two back.
Their explanation: Washing machines are now designed to "save energy and water, not clean clothes."
Awwww, thank you Mark12A, I should flash you, huh?
You ever have one of those weeks where you look longingly at your go bag and think, "I could just ghost out of here...."?
Yep. Before I was forced to retire I drove a truck OTR. I really miss the solitude sometimes.
Why can't you haul them home in cold weather? They're inanimate objects, I'm reasonably certain that they won't care. If raining or snowing just toss a tarp or some visqueen (also available at home depot) over them and tie it down.
Dave, it's the "hauler" not the "haulee" that's the problem. I just don't want to listen to hubby bitch.
In that case toss a tarp or visqueen over the hubby and tie him down too. Or tie him up.
Just out of curiosity, have you considered ordering a new control board? A quick Google search found one for $65 Buy It Now on ebay. Replacing control boards these days requires nothing more than a Phillips screwdriver and a set of needlenose pliers (makes it easier to disconnect the ribbon cables and such). I recently replaced the CB in our fridge, and $65 is a LOT easier to justify than $300. If you feel you have an excess of cash afterwards, just trade the remainder in on ammo.
And I'd complain to the store manager, if they only gave you $50 off per boob. 36D's are worth so much more!
How in the world did you find that? I spent two hours searching WITH the model and serial numbers, and found bupkus. The repair dude showed me where it was, how to get to it, etc.
Chief, is that your middle-aged mom version of candy and a ride in your van?
To drain the water from the washer, just lower the drain hose down to near floor level and drain the water by gravity into a bucket. If you were one of my coworkers or coworkettes I would have added a hearty DUMBASS at the end of the last sentence, but I would never, ever do that to you.
I tried that, tam. This motherfucker has some sort of reservoir with a separate drain plug. Did I mention I hate this machine? And come here and let me hug your neck for not calling me a dumbass to my face...
To drain, well partially, go back to that old wet vac. just put the hose in the washer, and suck the water out.
Hope this helps luv...
Guess my Google-fu is strong (that's the secret power of all IT guys...we Google most of it).
Well, when it rains, it pours. I hope it all works out to your satisfaction, and you get the machines that will work for you. Washing clothes by hand sucks bigtime.
We had all of the following go out/brake a freezer, the furnace- TWICE, the washing machine-TWICE, the transmission on our Accord, another spendy car repair that I can't remember, buying a new washer after the second time and the guy said it'd cost more to repair the washer than to replace it, Hubby has fixed the dishwasher three times since we couldn't get that one fixed, and a couple other things happen all within a couple of months.
It wasn't cheap. All that had to go onto an emergency credit card that was paid off because it was the only way to get stuff fixed. The transmission, freezer, furnace and washing machine #1 all happened in 2 weeks. The rest gave us a tiny reprieve.
Honey, you wore a bra?
You should have loudly announced that you can't even wash your latest Victoria Secrets, and you are going to have to do laundry naked cause your mud wrestling champion twin sister is going to rip her clothes off of you as soon as you hit your front door.
You would have had a washer/dryer convoy requiring a police escort.
Oh, in a emergency, a side boob flash would have worked too ;-)
Third news, I'm 47, gravity has not been kind. I'm only a 36D if I pick them up, roll them and tuck in a bra.
Then do the above while performing a handstand
Home laundry machines suck. Gotta have a PUMP to get the water out? Commercial equipment lets gravity do the work. But then you've gotta bolt it down in the shower...
:blink: ThirdNews is now my hero.
Aw geez, Rabid, don't encourage her. ;-)
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