Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Pussification of America

Okay, so we'll just start with the NFL. And this isn't going to be a lengthy rant because too many other bloggers have written way better stuff on it than my feeble brain can push out right now. I just wanted to make an observation about the bullying brou-ha-ha with the Miami Dolphins.

First, the "victim". At 6'5" and 312 pounds,  24-year-old Jonathan Martin came to the NFL from what most of us would consider a pretty cushy life. He attended a small private high school and Stanford University. He was born at the end of the Reagan era, when Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43 started accelerating the erosion of American Exceptionalism. He was a product of a Progressive education system that preached "equality at the expense of exceptionalism"; an era of no-score games and participation trophies. He is the Poster Boy for Pussification. Seriously, dude, put down the steroids and let your balls grow back in.

Now, the "bully". Richie Incognito, 6'3", 319, and a few years older than Martin, came to the NFL from more of a working class background. Public high school in Arizona and a Div. I midwest college (Nebraska) and then Oregon. Bully? Yes. Anger management issues? Undoubtedly. Steroid use? More than likely. Was he wrong for what he did? All bullies are. And they will keep it up until someone stands up to them and knocks their blocks off.

Now, a palate cleanser from the heart of Football Country, where the game is bigger than million dollar salaries and sneaker endorsements. I give you a story that should restore your faith and have you sniffling.

“Coach told us that we play for more than just winning, and that I was going in and getting the ball,” Hearn said. “I thought I was just suited up for moral support. Coach told me to go do my thing. The announcer called my name. The crowd went crazy, and I thought, ‘Man, my mom is going to be mad at me.’”


Anonymous said...

Sure is lots of dust in the air. Great story.


jesse in DC said...

Bullies in the NFL? Are they changing it to flag football, and no longer keeping scoure so no one gets their feelings hurt? Sheesh, man up dude, or buy a prius and turn in the man card.

golden geese news said...

I'm telling you, the NFL is "jumping the shark". Thanks for reading and commenting on my post. Did you see my earlier post? It relates more to the pussification you mentioned.

Brock Townsend said...

Just wonderful.

Wraith said...

I keep hearing about this, but I don't care enough about sports to look up the details. A bunch of jocks and jocksniffers apparently have their undies in a bunch about something...oh well. *shrug*

hiswiserangel said...

Wraith, the NFL pussies aren't important, the linked story is. Go read it.