Saturday, November 16, 2013

The day Fluffy went on diet Cat Chow


idahobob said...

That's the truth!

Cats tear up the fucking furniture! And litter box way!


Wraith said...

This is why we don't let Spike out...

(23#. We need an actual dog carrier to take him to the vet.)

hiswiserangel said...

Damn, wraith, get that cat on a treadmill.

Anonymous said...

Every cat we've ever had has earned their keep. One in particular used to catch birds and bats out of the air. She even tried to bring her catches into the house and share with us. We've never had problems with vermin.

Heck a different cat used to be wild, we tamed him and if random dogs came around, he beat the stuffing out of the dogs. Our dogs knew to give him a wide berth, even when he was 28 years old!