Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If reincarnation is real, I want to be this


Unclezip said...

I'd love to turn one of those loose in the next city council meeting. just for fun, of course.

drjim said...

Wirecutter said you're about to break 3,000,000 hits, so here I am to help bump up the hit counter!

Oh, and that's one BAD-ASS bird!

Anonymous said...

cassowarie vs .357.....would you like yours grilled, blackened or fried?......

vaquero viejo

(oops, forgot, the folks where the bird lives are unarmed)

North Texan said...

Trying to get you up to 3,000,000. Good luck.

Scott Norris said...

That's a male.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar idea reading that... I wonder if setting one free is illegal


Critter said...

Some big drum sticks.

Anonymous said...

Bang.... zoom.... 3 million.... cassowary..... bad assedness.... you go, young lady.
Grandpa sends your hit counter + 1

rickn8or said...

Me and the Old Cowboy think alike; pretty sure a 12 GA. will fix that cassowary right up.

Granny said...

NO NEED FOR A 12 G. Since they have paved the road north of the Daintree river. north Queensland, leading into the rainforest, several Cassowarys have become road kill. Hoons in large utes with bullbars going too fast for the birds to get out of the way. The males raise the young while the wimmen just wander off. They are awesome birds and no more dangerous than a pissed off deer. You go ranger.

Old Goat Patrol said...

Do they keep the drop bear population down?