Thursday, October 8, 2015

I....I think...I need a moment....


pigpen51 said...

I had a long post started about getting wet in there, and the smell of the sea, but I just decided to let you enjoy your moment. I love old books, as well.

Stretch said...

Yes, I just squeed.

Anonymous said...

sit and breathe....deeply.....

vaquero viejo

Scott Norris said...

That place smells like shit. Your driveway is your sewer.

pigpen51 said...

do you know what old women's nether regions smell like?


I know, I will be spending time alone this weekend contemplating my sins. I guess it's lucky for me the salmon are running and there is a gun show over in Hart MI, so I will have several hours to meditate on my inappropriate behavior.

And another thing. I keep trying to become semi retired. I quit a job as a trailer park maintaince man. and went to just a restaurant kitchen help. stayed there a month, but the owner, who was younger than me, yelled at the help,pushed the help psychically, and justtreated them poorly. k am 55, and I won't work for some one like that anymore. I have done it in the past but I will never do it again

so I quit last Thursday. I got a call on the phone today, asking for me to go back to my old job of trailer park maintaince,.

When I was younger, I never could have done this job. I wasn't mechanically inclined at all. aBut over the course of 35 years in a steel factory, I learned to use hand tools, torches, lathes, welders, and grinders and cutters. I already had a background in electronics from being a ham radio operator since I was 12 years ole.

the reason I had left was that I hate working in cold and winteis coming up. but I guess I will just,suck it up.

happy Friday to all and watch you back for the men in black