Thursday, November 22, 2012

Yeah, I Know

Okay, you've noticed the comment moderation thing. Here's the deal. There were multiple comments on one post, several in barely understandable English, that added links to their sites. I'm all for helping people out, and if you want me to review your site for a possible link here, I'd be happy to. Just email it to me. But don't try to sneak it in on a comment. So now I'm moderating the comments, which I hate because 1.) it feels like I don't trust y'all to behave, and 2.) I'm lazy as all get-out.

So guys and gals, please keep commenting, I'll keep moderating, and we'll keep having fun.


angrymike said...

I get some stuff like that alot, but it doesn't show as a comment, blogger just adds it as spam. I've had some nasty things to porn sites, I get the E-mail, but it doesn't show...........

Anonymous said...

So it's back in school again? Now that I see the sentence above I understand.
Hope all had a great day yesterday.

hiswiserangel said...

And why are you getting targeted by nasty porn sites, sweet Mikey?!

tripseven said...

This is not fair. I think I will do a Walmart protest...oh wait, nobody showed up.